Issue Position: A Healthy Minnesota

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018

In order to promote a Health Minnesota, I will work hard to do the one thing so many people across the district have asked me to tackle. At your door, healthcare was the topic discussed the most. I believe that this election is a referendum on a "do nothing" Legislature that contributed millions in taxpayer money to insurance companies, but did little to address cost and coverage options across Minnesota. Leadership couldn't even pass an AARP backed plan to tackle elder abuse or pass a "one penny per pill" fee to drug companies to reduce prescriptions and help pay for abuse counseling.


Allow Minnesota Care Buy-in as option in the individual market at a more-affordable rate

Create greater discounts for common medical devices & drugs

Allow paramedics, EMTs and First Responders to administer lifesaving drug by passing "Bailey's Bill"

Elder Care

Establishment of a commission to review policies and set up stricter sentencing guidelines for persons convicted
of elder abuse.

Mental Care & Investments

Funding the construction of more community-based mental health facilities to address crisis across Minnesota

Increased wages for In-home Health Care Workers to encourage long-time career opportunities

Stop cutting or shifting money from Health & Human Services towards other funding commitments

More funding for Minnesota Officer Crisis Intervention Training program
